Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Light at the End of the Tunnel

Wow, I can't believe I've finally finished, I will miss my learning experience each week. I have chosen a photo from Flickr called "Light at the end of the tunnel" which is what it feels like to complete the journey, so thanks to all involved in this great learning experience. I hope that I can go away and put to good use some of what I have learnt not only at work but also home.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Social Networking

You know I have heard people talk about Myspace and Facebook (I have a friend who is in facebook so now I'll have some idea of what to do). I wasn't very familiar with what it was and now that I have a little more knowledge I will be able to spend more time on the many things I have learnt and who knows where it will take me.
Social networking I think would be a good way for our clients to interact with us and each other, we could find ways to improve and help our clients by finding out what is important to them. We could also let the clients know about events, exhibitions, basically anything new that may appeal to them, a great way for many networking opportunities.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Online applications and Tools

Wow, this really is a good learning program, I can see potential in so many different ways and not just at work but also at home, of course the problem is remembering them all. I do like Google docs probably because I work a lot with spreadsheets and I can see the benefit of having only the one version where colleagues can edit or add text,I actually could have used this a couple of weeks ago. I have created a document and emailed it to the slnsw2.0 team.
I do like the fact that if you don't have certain software programs on your home computer but have access to a web browser and internet connection you can upload the document into google docs and be able to make changes from home.

Thursday, July 31, 2008


I found this week quite fun after a bit of frustration when I thought I had lost all the work I did. There are just so many different types of mashups to try so I decided on the mosaic maker but I also liked the calendar and jigsaw ideas,my Mosiac is using the State Library with our value of Energy and Teamwork.

Thursday, July 24, 2008


Wow, I think there is a lot of potential for podcasting at the library, just think we could have one for our exhibitions, with dates and maybe even a brief talk about them. We could put up staff talks, or even sections from seminars/conferences that may of interest, we could even have movies at the metcalfe.
I think that the library shop could benefit as well with maybe new books/items they have just purchased or even specials.
The only thing I think is important is to keep them interesting and not too long otherwise they can become boring.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

World Youth Day 2008

Now that World Youth Day 2008 has ended I thought a slideshow of photos taken by pilgrims in flickr might be in order, so enjoy.

Sea Gull_Fishing

Sea Gull_Fishing
Originally uploaded by Stewart Ho

We aren't the only ones that go fishing. I thought this photo was appropriate after the fishing comment from last week.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Answer boards

After last week with Del.icio.us, Technorati and Library Thing, this week seems like a breeze. I found that the reference libraries movement who are "slamming the boards" seems like quite an interesting way in getting answers to any type of question. In the Exemplary answers one of the questions asked was "Where does whale poop go?" what an interesting question and the answer was 5 star, another 5 star answer was to the question "How much pain do fish have?" this answer has turned me off fishing not that I was ever a keen fisherman but apparently fish do feel pain but the good thing is their memories are short so pain is short lived which is good to know as I'd hate to think of any animal (or human for that matter) in pain. Another question which was asked was "Help me choose my business name please" so with a little help from the librarians out there it has now been narrowed down from 10 to 2.
Signatures & Tag Lines - the one I particularly liked was "Librarians -We eat questions for breakfast", well that's it for this week, catch you next week.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Del.iciou.us, Technorati & LibraryThing

I've finally gotten back to Learning 2.0, where did the last few weeks go, it seems there is never enough hours in the day. It's week 8 and there is so many things to look at and learn, so where to start.

Del.icio.us great name it actually makes me think of food or recipes particularly the sweet type, which is my one weakness. I found this to be a great site for social bookmarking as let's face it how many of us have so many favourites that sometimes it's so hard to find what you're looking for, this way they're all in one location. I have set up my own del.icio.us account and here is the link - http://del.icio.us/grace.angelgirl
I can see great benefit in this as a research tool for the library, it opens up a whole new world in searching.

Technorati - so many blogs, so much to see, not enough time, but interesting what you can get from different searches.

LibraryThing - Great site, this has so much potential, I have found books by certain authors that I haven't read but have made a note to do so. Maybe I'll even get some spare time at home and catalogue our books, just think eventually I'll have my own book catalogue as well as my photos on Flickr, just need to find some spare hours on the weekends. My link to LibraryThing is http://www.librarything.com/catalog/grace.angelgirl

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

So much to see, learn, listen and enjoy

It's amazes me what you can find on video, you could spend hours as there is so many different types of videos that have been created. There are videos for learning, music and fun. There is one thing which I find a little frustrating and that's the way it pauses throughout the video but a good thing is it has the time frame for each video. I have chosen a You Tube video which I thought was appropriate as it's fun and relates to a library, hope you enjoy it.

Monday, May 26, 2008

State Library under lights

Thought this is just a great photo of the State Library using light at night.

RSS the way to go

It's been an interesting learning program so far, each week there is something new and I hope that I can put all that I've learnt to good use. I feel that RSS reader will be a great time saver as you only need to go into the one site to keep up to date with all your favourites websites. For my RSS reader the sites I have chosen are some that were suggested (ABC News, Powerhouse Museum and Beyond the button), I really like the Powerhouse museum site, it's got some great photos. One site I have is called KSC Trogloblog and I have no idea where or why I have it, I think it may be my first attempt at subscribing to a site. I also have "All breaking news" which is a great way to keep up with what's happening in the world.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

The Wiki Way

Wiki's appear to be a great way to go, I'm sure in our organisation we could find many ways to use a wiki which could save so much time as well as paper. I did like the Book Lovers Wiki, I think that this is a great way to decide on the next book I might read. I checked out the Wookieepedia which I'm sure all Star Wars fans would love, me I'm not a great fan but have watched all the movies.

Monday, May 5, 2008


Originally uploaded by marj k
What a great photo, I couldn't resist, it's not the one I was talking about previously, actually i think it's even better. I have owned two dogs and both have been cross cattle, they are such fun loving, hard working and affectionate animals.

Working Together Teamwork Puzzle Concept

Surprise Surprise I finally have made the time to download an image from Flickr, I thought it would never happen. It's just so interesting the sorts of photos you can find, I did have another photo I would have liked to download but I lost it somehow, but who knows if I go searching again I may still be able to find and download it.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Viewing Flickr

I have just been having a look at Flickr and I'm amazed at the sort of photos and number of photos some people have, for example one person had over 9,000 photos. It has me thinking that this is something I can explore for my photos I have on my home computer but of course mine will be just for my family for viewing.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Yahoo, I've started

Well I've finally done it, I've started my own blog, it's a little scary but also exciting. I don't know much about blogs but I'm sure hoping that by the end of this course I will be able to put my knowledge to some good use either in my work situation or maybe even in my home life. So far my hardest decisions have been what to name my blog and what to say in this first post so I'll just keep it short and if you stay tuned (blog name) hopefully as I learn more I'll be able to pass on some information/suggestions.