Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Online applications and Tools

Wow, this really is a good learning program, I can see potential in so many different ways and not just at work but also at home, of course the problem is remembering them all. I do like Google docs probably because I work a lot with spreadsheets and I can see the benefit of having only the one version where colleagues can edit or add text,I actually could have used this a couple of weeks ago. I have created a document and emailed it to the slnsw2.0 team.
I do like the fact that if you don't have certain software programs on your home computer but have access to a web browser and internet connection you can upload the document into google docs and be able to make changes from home.

1 comment:

slnsw_learning_2.0 said...

It is quite astonishing to think that people in various locations can all work on the same document. Very useful in PLS!

Mylee (PLS)